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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sayonara 2009! A year full of memories...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

Another year has passed, and another is coming. Rase mcm bru smlm je smbut 2009, but now we are celebrating 2010. Cepat sungguh mase berlalu kan? 2009 merupakan tahun yg telah merubah segala-galanya dlm hidup Ami. Ceh, mcm tahun-tahun lain tak? Eh, bukan macam tu. Maksud Ami, tahun 2009 ni lah yang telah berlaku satu perubahan besar di mana Ami telah berpindah dari pelajar sekolah harian biasa ke pelajar sekolah teknik. It takes a lot of courage to make the decision and I never regret for it. In order to succeed, we must dare to change.

Macam-macam dah berlaku sepanjang 2009. Manis? Masam? Masin? Pahit? Tawar? Suka? Duka? Gembira? Sedih? Terkejut? Menangis? Ketawa? Sebutlah 1001 jenis emosi, semua ada. Inilah kronologinye:

January 2009

- bermulanya hidup Ami sebagai student form 4. Time to get serious!

February 2009

- trpakse brpisah ngan boyfren2 ku sekalian yg telah mndapat tawaran ke MRSM. miss you guys so much!

- mendapat tawaran ke SMT (ERT) Azizah. at first, quite disappointing sbb x dpt ke MRSM. Tapi fikir2 balik, Ami bersyukur sbb ade dapat jugak tawaran ke sekolah teknik. This is my chance to improve and make a change in my life.
- Of course tak lupe, my birthday lah! Turn 6-teen on 22/2; the day before I moved to my new school.

March 2009

- very hectic month; with my debate, netbal, Sports' Day, etc
- met up with old friends again for Anugerah Cemerlang at SMKMR
- telah melakukan jualan utk Anugerah Cemerlang Sekolah

April 2009

- my first debate competition in KAT 2009 at SMT Kota Tinggi. Got 4th place!

May 2009

- Teacher's Day! First class performance on stage. Percayalah cakap Ami, kitorang blank giler nk buat persembahan ape untuk hari guru ni.

- bulan tension, sbb mid-year exam.

 June 2009

- school holidays.

i went to National Science Center

have a date with Iman at Alamanda and we watched 17 Again

July 2009

- nothing much happened, I GUESS! pity my poor memory, sorry
- H1N1 strikes the world!

August 2009

- fever, almost kena H1N1.
- RIMUP peringkat kebangsaan. BEST SANGAT!

kt Asrama Putera; we're playing Tarian Buluh..

kt menara Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim..we're like bunch of kids wearing that very 'ceria' bag..XD

royal hi-tea at the Zone

shiori, an exchange student from Japan..

 our last day together..miss my S family!

- puasa too!

September 2009

- puasa and raya!

kt rumah abg rosman, my cousin

family gathering of the year!

- dpt kwn baru dr jepun: Arata Hasebe

October 2009

- raye dh abes, back to school!
- Rumah Terbuka AziTech!

kami jelitawan 4 PM/PP!

i miss kakak2 ni!

- final exam!

November 2009

- final exam continue to srike!
- menikmati hari-hari terakhir sebagai pelajar form 4 & bersama-sama senior form 5

i will miss them very much!

- year-end holiday strikes!

December 2009

- stay in KL for almost a MONTH; which was freaking bored!
- trip to Genting Highland

is it me the shorter or that thing is WAY too HIGH?

kenal x Ami ngan sape ni?

- date with Iman, Fatin and Firah
- my files were deleted by my brother..grr, HATE him!

Beginning of the new year, new day and new hope. Syukur kepada Allah kerana telah banyak membantu melancarkan segala urusan Ami sepanjang 2009 ni. May the 2010 will be a bless for me. Amin.


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