Click Me!

Give Me A Click!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Hey, don't misunderstand the title above. It's not like I was grounded or what. Nope. I'm just trying to strain myself from onlining too long. Trying to online for 6 hours per day or maybe less. Why?

First, I've to finish my homework since there's another 7 subjects unfinished. Not untouched, but unfinished.

Second, if I online, I'll start abandoning the my original target, that is to study. I'm taking SPM next year, with 10 subjects in my hands, I'm planning to revise early. Less tension okay?

Third, the house will be like a tongkang pecah if I online. Although I'm alone in the house right now, I still have to do the chores like laundry, sweep and all that (plus, there's no way I will make the house like a tongkang pecah. I'm a tidy person okay? Just kind of rensponsibility)

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